
How to charge your dell near a hp charger?

I have an hp computer charger that works on my dell but my dell wont charge it will turn on though. Best Acer Netbook Review Is there a means of access I can get it to charge No, the chargers are made for a particular brand. Plugging the wrong plug...How to clean/wipe out my complex drive?I have a Toshiba laptop, it's about 5 years weak and is really slow. I believe there are many virus and I'd like to just reset everything because I hold alot of unwanted junk in it. How do I do this effortlessly, without ruining my computer?

How to clear my Acer mini laptop? Best Acer Netbook Review I recently inhereted a mini laptop from my brother and was planning to use it for NaNoWriMo this year, but it's running amazingly slowly. Best Laptop And Netbook Review I know he had downloaded an online game but delete it shortly after, but I don't know if he downloaded anything else before/after that. How to Closing my laptop lid, And save downloads still busy?Hi guys, I need some assistance with this, if anyone could oblige me with this, It will be highly appreciated.

Basically the query is pretty simple. Best Acer Netbook Review Im downloading some stuff, but i need to close my laptop lid, however when i do, it goes. How to communicate which card i own? I am not good with computers and I be wondering which kind of video card i have contained by my computer. How to completely restore an HP laptop? I have an older HP laptop (dv6000) that I would similar to to completely restore to factory settings. I do not have the back-up files that I had created because I didn't have an idea that I would be using this computer ever again.

